What’s Up With This Generation?

Don’t let these new beliefs, movements, pop culture, social media, etc fool you, many  young adults are depressed, battling anxiety, addictions, etc just coping through websites and streaming services. Hanging on with incredible strength. What you may see as weird…

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All Critics Matter

Often when i criticize something people take it as me saying it’s ‘bad’ or shouldn’t be liked/enjoyed/etc. People don’t read fully what I’m saying. A popular saying nowadays is “let people enjoy things”. I and agree with that but I…

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Local Music Scene Dos and Donts

DO make music. Don’t just talk about making music (and make do’s and don’t lists) on facebook posts, subtweet other artists, promoters, etc and make instagram posts about how this year is going to be your year. Write some mf…

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Do You Need Expensive Music Gear?

you don’t need expensive music gear to make great music. The only reason many pros have expensive gear is so they can work faster and more efficiently for business purposes. I can dial in a good attack and release setting…

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Why I’m a Christian But Not Really

I used to feel I couldn’t consider myself a Christian because I didn’t fully agree with any of the major denominations and there were/are so many connotations when it comes to calling one a ‘Christian’. So for a while I…

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Lil Nas X Is The Most Gangsta Rapper in 2021

A lot of  dudes in hiphop culture don’t have a problem with lil Nas X—until they get around the homies, or the barbershop or on the block, nobody wants to show any sign of weakness or vulnerability. Its not even…

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Space Jam Too Much

Its ok to like space jam 2.
Its ok to criticize it.
I think many have this idea that because something is a “kids movie” it should be critic proof and I don’t understand it because it was made by…

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Some Random Thoughts on Friendship

A great way to tell if someone is truly a friend is pay attention to how they respond when you share some good news with them. A true friend won’t immediately think about what the news means for them or…

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Some Random Thoughts on Friendship

A great way to tell if someone is truly a friend is pay attention to how they respond when you share some good news with them. A true friend won’t immediately think about what the news means for them or…

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What Does It Mean To Be An Artist?

Stop worrying about success or failure. I tell myself. But its difficult not to once you’ve released a project you’ve poured a great deal of your lower middle class income into specifically to give your project a good chance of…

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Why I Don’t Make Songs Anymore

I do make songs still. I just needed an exaggerated click-baity headline to compete for attention in this unpredictable economy. But I don’t make songs at nearly the rate I used to and not nearly the same way. Instead I’ve…

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